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Zselicvölgy Leisure Farm Hajmás


Active relaxation in the Zselic

Surrounded by nature

The Zselic is a unique natural environment, so no matter what time of the year you visit us, you will always find a wide range of meaningful and active recreational opportunities. Here are some tips on where to start your adventure.

Magnificent limestone tuff crevice


The tourist map of the Zselic also marks the stalactite limestone crevice on the outskirts of Kaposgyarmat, which has been declared a protected area. This is no accident, as it is one of the most beautiful natural formations of its kind in the region. Kaposgyarmat is a good choice, as it can be reached via several tourist routes: the green tourist lane passes through the small village of just 150 inhabitants, while the blue lane, the South Transdanubian Blue Trail, approaches the area from the south, not far away. The latter later bends towards Simonfa.

The clear-water spring of the Dripping Stone


Water is the source of all life, as our next recommendation proves. The youngest hiking trail of the Zselic - about 20 and a half kilometres long - connects Gálosfa, Kaposgyarmat, Hajmas and Gödre. The route is unique in that it forms a heart on the map. One of its most popular attractions is the Csepegő-Kő spring, famous for its clear water and stalactites. This unusual attraction is located in a secluded gorge valley in the Gálosfa area. The spring water has found its way into the rock and feeds the small stream that flows from it.

Family adventure - the Bőszénfa deer farm


The small village of Bőszénfa, situated among the unique atmosphere of the Zselic hills, is home to the Kaposvár Campus of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and within it the Game Farming Rural Centre, a complex with a more than 2 decades old history, mainly occupied by deer. Today, it has grown to become one of the most important wildlife herds in Central Europe. Spread over 1300 hectares, the estate is home to more than 1500 red deer, 300 wild boars, 200 fallow deer, 150 mouflon and around 50 roes. Special programmes on the deer farm include a walk among the deer, a once-in-a-lifetime experience for young and old alike.

Ancestors living with us in the Senna Skanzen


The Senna Skanzen - a paradise of rural tourism - is located 8 km from Kaposvár. In this unique place with its special atmosphere, a village museum has been created in a living village, a unique initiative in the country. Visitors can learn about the specific folk architecture, housing culture and lifestyle of Inner-Somogy and the Zselic region. One of the most beautiful and beloved monuments of Somogy County, the painted Protestant church with coffered ceiling, built in 1785 in folk baroque style, is located on the museum's territory.

Active relaxation in the Kaposvári Virágfürdő Bath and swimming pool


The Kaposvári Virágfürdő Bath and swimming pool is a meeting point for a wide range of bathing experiences, a refreshing sauna world, complex medical services, high quality swimming pool and beach services. The Virágfürdő offers a variety of aquatic experiences for children and adults alike.

The style itself, Villa Rippl-Rónai


Art lovers will also have something to discover in Zselic. In 1908, József Rippl-Rónai, the pioneer of modern painting in Hungary, bought the Róma-villa, which served as his home until his death. Surrounded by parkland, the six-room historic villa was the setting for the creation of colourful, decorative paintings and the Cornish style. The museum, furnished with original furniture and more than ninety works of art, offers a rich insight into each of the artist's painterly periods.

Night adventures in the Zselici Csillagpark


The Zselic Landscape Conservation Area was the first in Europe to be awarded the title of "International Dark Sky Park". There are few places in the world where you can see the magical star-filled sky and the Milky Way without the distraction of artificial lights. Zselic is one of the few places in the world where you can admire the dark night sky in its natural state. Don't hesitate, the stars are waiting, they are closer than you may think.